Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Have You Done Lately?

Having a plan for this year? A resolution? A mission?

How's it going on? Still make it?

Some people decide to have a plan, to do something good everyday for a year, or not to do any bad everyday..

Some people decide to stop smoking this year, stop bullying, or eat healthy food everyday for breakfast.
But the question is, "is it still going well?",

Does the one who plan not to smoke this year still not touch any cigar? Or he has failed doing it? Can't handle the temptation?

Does the one who plan to eat healthy food every breakfast still eat it? Or he just failed once and stop?

If the answer is yes, that's great! Keep fighting, don't give up.
But I believe, some of us, maybe you, or maybe me, have failed, once.

Then what should we do if we have failed?

a. Stop the resolution, maybe it's too hard for us.
b. Die, the end, we just are not deserve to live.
c. What? I just can do anything???
d. Or what else?


It's not the start that worth it. It's not even the middle of it.
What does matter is the end.

The one who endures till the end is the winner.

We must go back, Do it one more time! Do it again!
Never give up, no matter what happened!

When you failed today, try to do better tomorrow.

Before we die, just don't give up being good.

Even if when our failure is doing sins, or something that we think we can even win it, keep getting up, rise up! We have God, God that will help you, because God loves you.

"for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity." Proverbs 24:16 NIV

JCblessU.. :D

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