Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Make A History!

Ever read a history book? How many names were there? President, heroes, villains, traitors, professor, inventor, genius people, but NO Mediocre, NO Ordinary People.

Only extraordinary, special, famous people were written.

Same as there in the bible, there are a lot of names in the bible, men, women, but only great men and great villains are written, there is no place for mediocre. Still there is no ordinary people.

Abraham is written because of his great faith,
David because he is a man after God's heart,
Paul because he is a powerful evangelist,
And many others because of their faith to God.

But one good thing for you, many of them did not start good,
Paul was start as a christian killer,
Abraham and David as a shepherd,
and many others as farmers, fishermen, etc.

But what did they do? Not richness, not intelligent, not beauty faces, only an obedience heart,
humble in front of God.

Just like Noah:
"So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him."
Gen 6:22 NLT

Which one are you? Live your life the best you can,
Trust and obey to God,


JCblessU.. :D

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