Monday, February 28, 2011

Who's God Looks on in His Favor?

"These are the ones I LOOK on with FAVOR:
those who are HUMBLE and CONTRITE in spirit,
and who TREMBLE at my word."
Isaiah 66:2b
Being humble, contrite in spirit, tremble at God's word is all about FEARING God and OBEYING Him in everything! Are you the one God looks on?
"Tetapi kepada orang inilah Aku memandang: kepada orang yang tertindas dan patah semangatnya dan yang gentar kepada firman-Ku." Yesaya 66:2b
Ini adalah tentang TAKUT akan Tuhan dan TAAT pada firmanNya dalam segala hal!
Apakah dirimu yang sedang Tuhan pandang?

JCblessU! :D

God looks at you and me.. Just don't underestimate yourself!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Easy Doesn't Mean You Should Handle It on Your Own..

We ALWAYS have problems in our life..
Sometimes it's EASY enough to be HANDLED by ourselves, sometimes it just SEEMS too HARD..
When it seems hard, we CAN come to God and He will HELP us..
But how ABOUT the 'easy' one? Handle it by your own strength? Or still come and keep rely on God?
Keep RELY on God, DEPEND on Him in everything!
"for without Me you can do nothing."
John 15:5b
Masalah SELALU ada dalam hidup kita..
Terkadang cukup MUDAH untuk DIATASI sendiri, terkadang TERLIHAT terlalu SUKAR..
Ketika terlihat sukar, kita BISA datang pada Tuhan dan Dia akan MENOLONG kita..
Tapi bagaimana DENGAN yang 'mudah'? Mengatasinya dengan kekuatan sendiri? Atau tetap datang dan terus mengandalkan Tuhan?
Tetap ANDALKAN Tuhan, BERGANTUNG padaNYA dalam segala hal!
"sebab di luar Aku kamu tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa."
Yohanes 15:5b

JCblessU! :D

When God is for you, nothing is against you! Agree?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Be an Ambassador of Heaven!

PEACE! It's like everyone try shouting it everywhere. But not everyone has peace itself.

We GET peace in God, it's TRUE!
But how can we tell about PEACE if we are NOT at PEACE with OTHERS?
Be the FIRST to APOLOGIZE, and to FORGIVE, so that we can SHARE the peace to others!
"Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other."
Mark 9:50b
Kita MEMPEROLEH kedamaian dalam Tuhan, BENAR!
Tapi bagaimana kita bisa cerita tentang KEDAMAIAN jika kita TIDAK BERDAMAI dengan SESAMA?
Jadilah yang PERTAMA untuk MEMINTA MAAF, dan untuk MENGAMPUNI, jadi kita bisa BERBAGI kedamaian ke sesama!
Itu membuat kita menjadi DUTA dari SURGA!
"Hendaklah kamu selalu mempunyai garam dalam dirimu dan selalu hidup berdamai yang seorang dengan yang lain."
Markus 9:50b
JCblessU! :D

Do you have anyone you hate or hate you? Dare to have peace?

Friday, February 25, 2011

God Can Save Your Family!

I just called my mum this evening, just want to hear her voice, how's life, chit-chat, etc.
But surprisingly she share something that I never tought before. She told me about her amazing experience with God!
(fyi, my family doesn't have an open communication, most of us are introverts, so sharing is an unusual activity.)
My mum told me that few days ago, my auntie, (wife from my father's little brother) was possessed in evil spirit, she lost his mind,
shouting and getting mad at everyone, even not remembering her son and husband. My mum came to their house, wanted to pray for them.
My mum is not doing a ministry or anything on church, so she just prayed a simple prayer she knew. And sang a song, repenting the
evil spirit possesing my auntie. It took some hours but my mum kept singing praise to God and repenting in Jesus name.
And just like the word of God said, the devil were repented! Something amazing, that I never think before, God uses my mum!
It change my family, some are still unbelievers, but God opens their eyes! through my mum! I believe it is a start for something even greater!
It can happen to yours too! He can use people you don't even think about!
God can use my mum, me, and you!

There is nothing too hard for God, for He can do:
Ruin any strong walls,
Soften any hardened hearts,
Fix any broken relations,
Save any lost souls!
Just like the miracles He has done in my family!
Acts 16:31 - They answered, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved."
Tidak ada yang terlalu sulit buat Tuhan, karena Dia sanggup:
Meruntuhkan tembok-tembok yang kokoh,
Melembutkan hati-hati yang keras,
Memulihkan setiap hubungan yang rusak,
Menyelamatkan jiwa-jiwa yang terhilang!
Seperti mukjizat yang Dia sudah lakukan di keluargaku!
Kisah 16:31 - Jawab mereka: "Percayalah kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus dan engkau akan selamat, engkau dan seisi rumahmu."

JCblessU! :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Need a Prayer?

Need a prayer? In an urgent situation that you even don't have time to sit still in your room, to pray?
Just shout to God, He's there with you, in your car, in your boss' office, in the traffic jam, even in the hidden place..
He is in your heart, the holy spirit, the one that is called "helper", to help you! Anywhere, anytime, always!

God is not only in the church, not only on sunday, not only in your praying time, for He is OMNIPRESENT.. Don't WAIT for a moment to say a PRAYER, you have a DIRECT LINE to God, for He is with you, ALWAYS!
"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20b
Tuhan tidak hanya ada di dalam gereja, tidak hanya ada pada hari minggu, tidak hanya ada saat jam doamu, karena dia MAHA HADIR.. Jangan MENUNGGU momen tertentu untuk menaikkan DOA, kamu punya SAMBUNGAN LANGSUNG ke Tuhan, karena Dia SELALU bersamamu!
"Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman." Matius 28:20b
JCblessU! :D

Pray, now! How's your experience in prayer?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quality or Quantity First?

Quality must come first, for God seek for it, even human, job, money and love seek for it!

You may have 100 years to live, but WITHOUT good QUALITY that will be NOTHING..
Let yourself HAVE the QUALITY in SPIRIT, in RELATIONSHIP with God, in your LIFE among others! And you will be DISTINGUISHED like Daniel!
"Now Daniel so DISTINGUISHED... By his exceptional QUALITIES..." Daniel 6:3
Kamu boleh punya usia 100 tahun, tapi TANPA KUALITAS yang baik semuanya itu akan menjadi SIA-SIA..
Jadikan dirimu MEMILIKI KUALITAS dalam ROH, dalam HUBUNGANmu dengan Tuhan, dalam HIDUPmu dengan orang lain! Dan kamu akan menjadi UNGGUL seperti Daniel!
"Maka Daniel ini MELEBIHI..., karena ia mempunyai roh yang LUAR BIASA;..." Daniel 6:4
JCblessU! :D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's Not About How Many You Have, But Who Handles What You Have..

Ever think that what you have now is too LITTLE, NOT ENOUGH to solve your PROBLEMS?
Just like the disciples QUESTIONING Jesus this:
"There's a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?" John 6:9
It's NOT about HOW MANY do you have, but it's about WHO HANDLE it.. Give the LITTLE thing you have TO Jesus, He can TURN it to MIRACLES!
Pernah berpikir bahwa yang kamu punya sekarang terlalu SEDIKIT, TIDAK CUKUP untuk mengatasi MASALAH-MASALAHMU?
Sama seperti ketika murid-murid MEMPERTANYAKAN hal ini pada Yesus:
"Di sini ada seorang anak, yang mempunyai lima roti jelai dan dua ikan; tetapi apakah artinya itu untuk orang sebanyak ini?" Yoh 6:9
BUKAN tentang SEBERAPA BANYAK yang kamu punya, tapi tentang ada di tangan SIAPA.. Berikan yang SEDIKIT yang kamu punya itu PADA Yesus, Dia dapat MENGUBAHNYA menjadi MUKJIZAT!
JCblessU! :D

Monday, February 21, 2011

Waiting for God's help?

Do you feel that you are running out of time? Waiting for a help but it seems that God is gonna be late?

God doesn't RUSH, He's ALWAYS on TIME..
When He SAID that everything is BEAUTIFUL for its own TIME, it is.. Just be PATIENT, keep have FAITH!
"This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
For it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed."

Hab 2:3
Tuhan tidak TERBURU-BURU, Dia SELALU tepat WAKTU..
Ketika Dia BERKATA bahwa segala sesuatu INDAH pada WAKTUnya, memang benar.. BERSABARLAH, tetap punyai IMAN!
"Sebab penglihatan itu masih menanti saatnya, tetapi ia bersegera menuju kesudahannya dengan tidak menipu; apabila berlambat-lambat, nantikanlah itu, sebab itu sungguh-sungguh akan datang dan tidak akan bertangguh."
Hab 2:3

JCblessU! :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Need Someone to Listen to You? Try God!

Sometimes people NEED you as a good LISTENER just to SHARE their BURDEN.. Because we as a SOCIAL creation need someone to SHARE with.. But how if we're alone? Luckily we have God who LISTENS, knowing that need..
Because God loves you!
"He listens the split second I call to Him"
Psalm 4:3b MSG
Terkadang orang-orang MEMBUTUHKAN dirimu sebagai PENDENGAR yang baik hanya untuk BERBAGI BEBAN mereka.. Karena kita sebagai makhluk SOSIAL butuh orang lain untuk BERBAGI.. Tapi bagaimana jika kita sendiri? Untungnya kita punya Tuhan yang MENDENGAR, mengetahui kebutuhan itu, karena Tuhan mengasihimu!
"TUHAN mendengarkan, apabila aku berseru kepada-Nya."
Mazmur 4:4b
JCblessU! :D

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is Your Love Fading Away?

Some people say that the first love are one of the greatest.. But through times and problems, it begins to fade away..

"I Once loved him/her, but now it's not that special.."
We often see that LOVE is FADING AWAY..
But how's about your LOVE to God? Is it also FADING away, or STILL loving with "ALL" yours?
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."
Deut 6:5
"Saya dulu mengasihinya, tapi sekarang sudah tidak lagi.."
Terkadang kita melihat KASIH sedang MEMUDAR..
Tapi bagaimana dengan KASIHMU pada TUHAN? Apakah juga MEMUDAR, atau TETAP mengasihi dengan "SEGENAP" yang kamu miliki?
"Kasihilah TUHAN, Allahmu, dengan segenap hatimu dan dengan segenap jiwamu dan dengan segenap kekuatanmu."
Ulangan 6:5

JCblessU.. :D

Friday, February 18, 2011

Peace of Mind or Peace of Heart? You Can Have Both!

Seek peace? World can give you peace in mind, but not in your heart.. Only God that give you both.. Never satisfied to have peace in work, but your family get broken.. Ask Jesus to have both!

God came to earth to save us from sin, that's true! But don't U know that He also gives a GIFT, PEACE? SEEK God for PEACE, don't be AFRAID!
"I am leaving you with a GIFT-PEACE of MIND and HEART. And the peace I give is a gift the world CANNOT give. So don't be TROUBLED or AFRAID." John 14:27
JCblessU! :D
Tuhan datang ke dunia untuk menyelamatkan kita dari dosa, itu benar! Tapi apakah kamu tahu bahwa Dia juga memberi kita HADIAH, DAMAI SEJAHTERA? CARI Tuhan untuk DAMAI SEJAHTERA, jangan TAKUT!
"Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu. Damai sejahtera-Ku Kuberikan kepadamu, dan apa yang Kuberikan tidak seperti yang diberikan oleh dunia kepadamu. Janganlah gelisah dan gentar hatimu." Yohanes 14:27

JCblessU! :D

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Amen? Cuz It Shall Be Done!

God word is a solid rock, hang on there and you are saved! Don't let world and its facts let you down!

KEEP every WORD, every PROMISE from God that you've RECEIVED.. For when you are weak, it'll give you STRENGTH to ENDURE..
Just keep BELIEVING, and every God's word SHALL be done in your life, that's why we say AMEN!
"For He spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast."
Psalm 33:9

PEGANG setiap FIRMAN, setiap JANJI Tuhan yang kamu TERIMA.. Karena ketika kamu lemah, itu akan memberimu KEKUATAN untuk BERTAHAN..
Tetaplah PERCAYA, dan setiap firman Tuhan AKAN terjadi dalam hidupmu, karena itu kita berkata AMIN!
"Sebab Dia berfirman, maka semuanya jadi;
Dia memberi perintah, maka semuanya ada."
Mazmur 33:9

JCblessU! :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love God? Obey His Laws!

When you LOVE someone, EVERYTHING you DO for her/him will be EASIER.. There will be NO BURDEN in it.. Same as when you LOVE God, OBEYING His laws will be EASIER, for you will DO it with LOVE..
"For loving God is keeping His laws: and His laws are not hard." 1 John 5:3

Ketika kamu MENCINTAI seseorang, SEGALA yang kamu LAKUKAN untuknya akan menjadi LEBIH MUDAH.. TIDAK ada BEBAN di dalamnya.. Sama seperti ketika kamu MENCINTAI Tuhan, MENTAATI perintah-Nya akan menjadi LEBIH MUDAH, karena kamu akan MELAKUKANNYA dengan CINTA..
"Sebab inilah kasih kepada Allah, yaitu, bahwa kita menuruti perintah-perintah-Nya. Perintah-perintah-Nya itu tidak berat," 1 Yohanes 5:3

JCblessU! :D

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jesus Is for You! Why Are You Afraid?

Jesus, GOD, come to earth, just to SAVE us human.. He died FOR us, because He really loves us.. And that means God is FOR us.. If God HAS GIVEN Himself FOR us, He'll GIVE everything for us.. So NEVER be AFRAID, for God is FOR you!
"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31b

Yesus, TUHAN, datang ke bumi, hanya untuk MENYELAMATKAN kita manusia.. Dia mati UNTUK kita, karena Dia benar-benar MENGASIHI kita.. Dan itu artinya Tuhan ada di PIHAK kita.. Jika Tuhan SUDAH MEMBERIKAN Dirinya sendiri UNTUK kita, Dia akan MEMBERIKAN segalanya untuk kita.. Jadi JANGAN pernah TAKUT, karena Tuhan ada di PIHAKMU! "Jika Allah di pihak kita, siapakah yang akan melawan kita?" Roma 8:31b

JCblessU! :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine, Love is Chocolate and Flower Bouquet or Else?

People think that love is giving gifts, attention, that's true, but not enough! Love is not just words or gifts, it's an act.. Just like when Lord Jesus meet a woman who did caught doing adultery, people accused her and want to judge her.. But what Jesus did? Jesus showed compassion, because He knew, everyone is a sinner.. Jesus forgives her, but ask her not to do sins more.. Whatever your sins, Jesus still loves you.. Jesus didn't give us chocolate or flower.. He gave us His life for us, sinners!

LOVE is still RECEIVING you when everyone ACCUSES you for doing WRONG.. -John 8:7
LOVE is still THERE with you when everyone LEAVES you alone.. -John 8:10
LOVE is RECEIVING you no matter how DIRTY you are, but NOT ALLOWING you to KEEP dirty.. -John 8:11
KASIH itu masih tetap MENERIMAMU ketika semua orang MENUDUHMU saat dirimu SALAH.. -Yoh 8:7
KASIH itu masih ADA di sana bersamamu ketika semua orang MENINGGALKANMU sendiri.. -Yoh 8:10
KASIH itu masih tetap MENERIMAMU, seberapa KOTOR dirimu, tapi TIDAK MEMBIARKAN dirimu TETAP kotor.. -Yoh 8:11
JCblessU! :D

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Having Truth Will Change Your Facts!

Our WEAKNESS, SICKNESS, IMPOSSIBLE things are FACTS in our life.. It's a CHOICE whether
to ACCEPT and do nothing, or else.. Only TRUTH that can CHANGE facts, and the truth is God's WORDS, that SETS us FREE, so, HAVE it!
"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32
KELEMAHAN, PENYAKIT, KEMUSTAHILAN adalah FAKTA dalam hidup kita.. Untuk MENERIMA dan berdiam diri adalah PILIHAN, atau.. Hanya KEBENARAN yang dapat MENGUBAH fakta, dan kebenaran adalah FIRMAN Tuhan, yang MEMERDEKAKAN, jadi, PUNYAI itu!
"dan kamu akan mengetahui kebenaran, dan kebenaran itu akan memerdekakan kamu."
Yohanes 8:32
JCblessU! :D