Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Amen? Cuz It Shall Be Done!

God word is a solid rock, hang on there and you are saved! Don't let world and its facts let you down!

KEEP every WORD, every PROMISE from God that you've RECEIVED.. For when you are weak, it'll give you STRENGTH to ENDURE..
Just keep BELIEVING, and every God's word SHALL be done in your life, that's why we say AMEN!
"For He spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast."
Psalm 33:9

PEGANG setiap FIRMAN, setiap JANJI Tuhan yang kamu TERIMA.. Karena ketika kamu lemah, itu akan memberimu KEKUATAN untuk BERTAHAN..
Tetaplah PERCAYA, dan setiap firman Tuhan AKAN terjadi dalam hidupmu, karena itu kita berkata AMIN!
"Sebab Dia berfirman, maka semuanya jadi;
Dia memberi perintah, maka semuanya ada."
Mazmur 33:9

JCblessU! :D

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