Thursday, February 24, 2011

Need a Prayer?

Need a prayer? In an urgent situation that you even don't have time to sit still in your room, to pray?
Just shout to God, He's there with you, in your car, in your boss' office, in the traffic jam, even in the hidden place..
He is in your heart, the holy spirit, the one that is called "helper", to help you! Anywhere, anytime, always!

God is not only in the church, not only on sunday, not only in your praying time, for He is OMNIPRESENT.. Don't WAIT for a moment to say a PRAYER, you have a DIRECT LINE to God, for He is with you, ALWAYS!
"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20b
Tuhan tidak hanya ada di dalam gereja, tidak hanya ada pada hari minggu, tidak hanya ada saat jam doamu, karena dia MAHA HADIR.. Jangan MENUNGGU momen tertentu untuk menaikkan DOA, kamu punya SAMBUNGAN LANGSUNG ke Tuhan, karena Dia SELALU bersamamu!
"Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman." Matius 28:20b
JCblessU! :D

Pray, now! How's your experience in prayer?

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