Monday, February 28, 2011

Who's God Looks on in His Favor?

"These are the ones I LOOK on with FAVOR:
those who are HUMBLE and CONTRITE in spirit,
and who TREMBLE at my word."
Isaiah 66:2b
Being humble, contrite in spirit, tremble at God's word is all about FEARING God and OBEYING Him in everything! Are you the one God looks on?
"Tetapi kepada orang inilah Aku memandang: kepada orang yang tertindas dan patah semangatnya dan yang gentar kepada firman-Ku." Yesaya 66:2b
Ini adalah tentang TAKUT akan Tuhan dan TAAT pada firmanNya dalam segala hal!
Apakah dirimu yang sedang Tuhan pandang?

JCblessU! :D

God looks at you and me.. Just don't underestimate yourself!

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