I just called my mum this evening, just want to hear her voice, how's life, chit-chat, etc.
But surprisingly she share something that I never tought before. She told me about her amazing experience with God!
(fyi, my family doesn't have an open communication, most of us are introverts, so sharing is an unusual activity.)
My mum told me that few days ago, my auntie, (wife from my father's little brother) was possessed in evil spirit, she lost his mind,
shouting and getting mad at everyone, even not remembering her son and husband. My mum came to their house, wanted to pray for them.
My mum is not doing a ministry or anything on church, so she just prayed a simple prayer she knew. And sang a song, repenting the
evil spirit possesing my auntie. It took some hours but my mum kept singing praise to God and repenting in Jesus name.
And just like the word of God said, the devil were repented! Something amazing, that I never think before, God uses my mum!
It change my family, some are still unbelievers, but God opens their eyes! through my mum! I believe it is a start for something even greater!
It can happen to yours too! He can use people you don't even think about!
God can use my mum, me, and you!
There is nothing too hard for God, for He can do:
Ruin any strong walls,
Soften any hardened hearts,
Fix any broken relations,
Save any lost souls!
Just like the miracles He has done in my family!
Acts 16:31 -
They answered, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved." Tidak ada yang terlalu sulit buat Tuhan, karena Dia sanggup:
Meruntuhkan tembok-tembok yang kokoh,
Melembutkan hati-hati yang keras,
Memulihkan setiap hubungan yang rusak,
Menyelamatkan jiwa-jiwa yang terhilang!
Seperti mukjizat yang Dia sudah lakukan di keluargaku!
Kisah 16:31 - Jawab mereka: "Percayalah kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus dan engkau akan selamat, engkau dan seisi rumahmu."
JCblessU! :D