Ever drink or eat something delicious on a dirty plate or in a dirty cup?
Yuck.. That's not gonna be delicious, that's disgusting. The food will not be eaten, but it will be thrown away as garbage.
Now, imagine your heart as a cup, it receive everything you hear, you see, that we can't control. We hear many bad stories, gossips, news, and many bad things. The world is not getting better. If you fill your 'cup' with all of those, it's getting dirtier and dirtier, that even when you fill with good things, it still has stain inside it. As many people receive God's words, but still, they get down, pain, unhappy, etc. Why?
Because they received a good thing with a dirty cup!
Then, how?
You shall renew your heart, everyday, every morning, every night, ask God to renew your heart, to purify it from stain, from sins.
Fill your heart with God's words, with God's wisdom, God's joy, God's love, and every good thing!
Then when you receive every blessings, every anointing, you receive it all with a new heart!
"New wine must be stored in new wineskins." Luke 5:38
JCblessU! :D
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