"And the centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not fit that thou shouldest enter under my roof; but only speak a word, and my servant shall be healed." Matthew 8:8 Darby Bible Translation
"When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick." Matthew 8:16 NIV
What if, with just one word, your life will change?
What if, with just one word, your sickness will be healed?
What if, with just one word, your poverty will turn into wealth?
What if, with just one word, you get whatever you want?
One word, only one word that is needed.
But it's not about the word, it's about who speaks it.
Anyone can speak: cured!, but the sickness won't be gone.
Only the word that comes from God, that has the power to change your life!
When God speak to you: bless! And your life will be blessed.
When God speak to you: cured! And your sickness will be gone.
Get the word of God, how? Get it from the word of God, the bible, at sunday service, at your prayer, at your deep worship with God..
You won't get it in your school, in television, or in any other places, but in God's presence!
JCblessU! :D
Everyone love cookies, for it gives energy, warm atmosphere and love! It's a daily "cookies" from the bible for your soul! To encourage, rejoice and help you through your most difficult times..
(To receive a free daily cookies via sms, just send me a message!)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Evil Won't Last Forever
If you watch movies, good movies, most of it have good guys and the bad guys, the good and the evil.
The good may lose for a while, may fail sometimes, but he will win at the end, and it will be a wonderful story, happy ending.
Just like in our life, if you see many evil, many villain, many bad guys, many dishonest people, many pollution, many many bad things! Agree with me?
And we are getting tired of it, though we do anything good, bad things do still happen.
Tired? Yes.
Give up? No!
Why? Because Evil won't last forever! Keep doing good, because only the good that will last forever. Only the good that will be settled in the land. That's what God promises us.
Just like the movie, we will win at the end. Just don't give up.
"It's the men who walk straight who will settle this land, the women with integrity who will last here. The corrupt will lose their lives; the dishonest will be gone for good."
Proverbs 2:21-22 MSG
JCblessU.. :D
The good may lose for a while, may fail sometimes, but he will win at the end, and it will be a wonderful story, happy ending.
Just like in our life, if you see many evil, many villain, many bad guys, many dishonest people, many pollution, many many bad things! Agree with me?
And we are getting tired of it, though we do anything good, bad things do still happen.
Tired? Yes.
Give up? No!
Why? Because Evil won't last forever! Keep doing good, because only the good that will last forever. Only the good that will be settled in the land. That's what God promises us.
Just like the movie, we will win at the end. Just don't give up.
"It's the men who walk straight who will settle this land, the women with integrity who will last here. The corrupt will lose their lives; the dishonest will be gone for good."
Proverbs 2:21-22 MSG
JCblessU.. :D
Friday, January 6, 2012
Renew, Everyday!
Ever drink or eat something delicious on a dirty plate or in a dirty cup?
Yuck.. That's not gonna be delicious, that's disgusting. The food will not be eaten, but it will be thrown away as garbage.
Now, imagine your heart as a cup, it receive everything you hear, you see, that we can't control. We hear many bad stories, gossips, news, and many bad things. The world is not getting better. If you fill your 'cup' with all of those, it's getting dirtier and dirtier, that even when you fill with good things, it still has stain inside it. As many people receive God's words, but still, they get down, pain, unhappy, etc. Why?
Because they received a good thing with a dirty cup!
Then, how?
You shall renew your heart, everyday, every morning, every night, ask God to renew your heart, to purify it from stain, from sins.
Fill your heart with God's words, with God's wisdom, God's joy, God's love, and every good thing!
Then when you receive every blessings, every anointing, you receive it all with a new heart!
"New wine must be stored in new wineskins." Luke 5:38
JCblessU! :D
Yuck.. That's not gonna be delicious, that's disgusting. The food will not be eaten, but it will be thrown away as garbage.
Now, imagine your heart as a cup, it receive everything you hear, you see, that we can't control. We hear many bad stories, gossips, news, and many bad things. The world is not getting better. If you fill your 'cup' with all of those, it's getting dirtier and dirtier, that even when you fill with good things, it still has stain inside it. As many people receive God's words, but still, they get down, pain, unhappy, etc. Why?
Because they received a good thing with a dirty cup!
Then, how?
You shall renew your heart, everyday, every morning, every night, ask God to renew your heart, to purify it from stain, from sins.
Fill your heart with God's words, with God's wisdom, God's joy, God's love, and every good thing!
Then when you receive every blessings, every anointing, you receive it all with a new heart!
"New wine must be stored in new wineskins." Luke 5:38
JCblessU! :D
Thursday, January 5, 2012
What Have You Done Lately?
Having a plan for this year? A resolution? A mission?
How's it going on? Still make it?
Some people decide to have a plan, to do something good everyday for a year, or not to do any bad everyday..
Some people decide to stop smoking this year, stop bullying, or eat healthy food everyday for breakfast.
But the question is, "is it still going well?",
Does the one who plan not to smoke this year still not touch any cigar? Or he has failed doing it? Can't handle the temptation?
Does the one who plan to eat healthy food every breakfast still eat it? Or he just failed once and stop?
If the answer is yes, that's great! Keep fighting, don't give up.
But I believe, some of us, maybe you, or maybe me, have failed, once.
Then what should we do if we have failed?
a. Stop the resolution, maybe it's too hard for us.
b. Die, the end, we just are not deserve to live.
c. What? I just can do anything???
d. Or what else?
It's not the start that worth it. It's not even the middle of it.
What does matter is the end.
The one who endures till the end is the winner.
Never give up, no matter what happened!
When you failed today, try to do better tomorrow.
Before we die, just don't give up being good.
Even if when our failure is doing sins, or something that we think we can even win it, keep getting up, rise up! We have God, God that will help you, because God loves you.
"for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity." Proverbs 24:16 NIV
JCblessU.. :D
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Make A History!
Ever read a history book? How many names were there? President, heroes, villains, traitors, professor, inventor, genius people, but NO Mediocre, NO Ordinary People.
Only extraordinary, special, famous people were written.
Same as there in the bible, there are a lot of names in the bible, men, women, but only great men and great villains are written, there is no place for mediocre. Still there is no ordinary people.
Abraham is written because of his great faith,
David because he is a man after God's heart,
Paul because he is a powerful evangelist,
And many others because of their faith to God.
But one good thing for you, many of them did not start good,
Paul was start as a christian killer,
Abraham and David as a shepherd,
and many others as farmers, fishermen, etc.
But what did they do? Not richness, not intelligent, not beauty faces, only an obedience heart,
humble in front of God.
"So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him."
Gen 6:22 NLT
Which one are you? Live your life the best you can,
Trust and obey to God,
JCblessU.. :D
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Dare To Ask Big Things!
Jesus come to earth, die on the cross, to set us free from sins and give us life. That we, who actually deserved to die, receive grace to become God's beloved children.
Yes, we are God's children, that have the right to call God as "Father".
As God beloved children, we have all the privilege as His child, a child can ask His Father anything,
and a loving Father will give His child the best thing He can give.
God says: Ask, and you shall receive.
That means when ask small things and you shall receive small things.
And also means when you ask big things, and you shall receive big.
Never afraid to ask for something, because you are God beloved children!
Never afraid to ask big things to God, for He is a big God!
Dare to ask something bigger than you can imagine,
and dare to believe that you have received it!
"Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,
the whole earth as your possession." Psalm 2:8 NLT
JCblessU.. :D
Yes, we are God's children, that have the right to call God as "Father".
As God beloved children, we have all the privilege as His child, a child can ask His Father anything,
and a loving Father will give His child the best thing He can give.
God says: Ask, and you shall receive.
That means when ask small things and you shall receive small things.
And also means when you ask big things, and you shall receive big.
Never afraid to ask for something, because you are God beloved children!
Never afraid to ask big things to God, for He is a big God!
Dare to ask something bigger than you can imagine,
and dare to believe that you have received it!
"Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,
the whole earth as your possession." Psalm 2:8 NLT
God loves you as a loving father.
JCblessU.. :D
Monday, January 2, 2012
What's Your Impossibility?
What do you want for this new year? What do you dream for it?
Many people have dreams, since we were babies. But many people think that their dreams are just impossible. Maybe you've dreamed to be happy, but your condition right now is far from happiness. Maybe you've dreamed to be rich, but your debts are more than your income. Maybe you've dreamed to have someone loving you, but you think that you are not beauty enough to have one.
You are definitely normal, for the world!
It's not just you, I have been through of it too. Everyone will meet a condition called "Impossible".
Your dream is impossible,
Your love is impossible,
Your study is impossible,
Your work is impossible,
Your everything is impossible!
You accept and believe it!
So, what can we do? Just accept it? Or else?
I won't accept it, I won't believe it, I choose the other option!
What option?
The option is that you, yes you, has God that love you so much, and that God is the almighty God that can do ANYTHING.
When you face your IMPOSSIBLE, just ask him.
You know what He will answer?
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God." Luke 18:27
Thank God for it, never accept that you are impossible, but say to yourself:
I'M POSSIBLE, because I have God that can do the impossible things!
JCblessU.. :D
Many people have dreams, since we were babies. But many people think that their dreams are just impossible. Maybe you've dreamed to be happy, but your condition right now is far from happiness. Maybe you've dreamed to be rich, but your debts are more than your income. Maybe you've dreamed to have someone loving you, but you think that you are not beauty enough to have one.
You are definitely normal, for the world!
It's not just you, I have been through of it too. Everyone will meet a condition called "Impossible".
Your dream is impossible,
Your love is impossible,
Your study is impossible,
Your work is impossible,
Your everything is impossible!
You accept and believe it!
So, what can we do? Just accept it? Or else?
I won't accept it, I won't believe it, I choose the other option!
What option?
The option is that you, yes you, has God that love you so much, and that God is the almighty God that can do ANYTHING.
When you face your IMPOSSIBLE, just ask him.
You know what He will answer?
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God." Luke 18:27
Thank God for it, never accept that you are impossible, but say to yourself:
I'M POSSIBLE, because I have God that can do the impossible things!
JCblessU.. :D
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