Sunday, May 8, 2011

Speak More Blessings, Less Problems

In church, we SAY "amen", agreeing for every God's BLESSING we receive.. Great!
But how's about our DAILY life?
Do we STILL have it? Or we SPEAK MORE about our PROBLEMS instead of our BLESSINGS?
"The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit."

Prov 18:21
Di gereja, kita BERKATA "amin", meng-iyakan setiap BERKAT Tuhan yang kita terima.. Bagus!
Tapi bagaimana dengan kehidupan kita SEHARI-HARI?
Apakah kita MASIH mempunyainya? Atau kita LEBIH BANYAK MEMPERKATAKAN tentang MASALAH-MASALAH kita daripada BERKAT-BERKAT yang sudah kita miliki?
"Hidup dan mati dikuasai lidah, siapa suka menggemakannya, akan memakan buahnya."
Amsal 18:21

JCblessU! :D

Let's start speak blessings more and more in our life, for we have a power in our tongue!
Speak out loud!

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