Saturday, April 30, 2011

You Will Reach There, If You Don't Stop Moving!

In a travel TRIP, when we want to REACH another PLACE, we have to MOVE and go THERE.. The time we need is according the SPEED we move.. But we'll ARRIVE there, no matter how SLOW we are, as LONG as we MOVE!
Just like a GOAL in our life, we will REACH it, as long as we keep moving, WITH God!
Dalam sebuah PERJALANAN, ketika kita ingin MENCAPAI satu TEMPAT, kita harus BERGERAK dan pergi KE SANA.. Waktu yang kita perlukan memang tergantung dengan KECEPATAN pergerakan kita..
Tetapi kita akan tetap SAMPAI ke sana, tidak peduli seberapa LAMBAT diri kita, SELAMA kita BERGERAK!
Sama seperti TUJUAN dalam hidup kita, kita akan MENCAPAINYA, selama kita tetap bergerak, BERSAMA Tuhan!

JCblessU! :D

Just keep moving, don't quit from your life! God is with you!

Friday, April 29, 2011

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

"With great power comes great responsibility.." ~Spiderman
But how about us? Don't you KNOW that God has PUT great POWER in us? It's the LIFE we have, and we are RESPONSIBLE for it!
"Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."
Galatians 6:5
"Kekuatan yang besar juga disertai dengan tanggung jawab yang besar.." ~Spiderman
Tapi bagaimana dengan kita? Tidakkah anda TAHU bahwa Tuhan sudah MENARUH KEKUATAN besar dalam diri kita? Yaitu HIDUP yang kita miliki, dan kita BERTANGGUNG JAWAB atasnya!
"Sebab tiap-tiap orang akan memikul tanggungannya sendiri."
Galatia 6:5

JCblessU! :D

Have you responsible to your great power?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why We Need A Shepherd

God is our SHEPHERD, guiding us THROUGH the DARKEST valley, to a REST in a PEACEFUL place.. God did not promise for NO problems in life, but He promised to HELP and PROTECT us, for He is a GOOD shepherd!
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep." John 10:11
Tuhan GEMBALA kita, menuntun kita MELEWATI lembah KELAM, menuju PEMBARINGAN di tempat yang TENANG.. Tuhan tidak menjanjikan TIDAK ADANYA MASALAH dalam hidup, tapi Dia berjanji untuk MENOLONG dan MENJAGA kita, karena Dia gembala yang BAIK!
"Akulah gembala yang baik. Gembala yang baik memberikan nyawanya bagi domba-dombanya" Yoh 10:11
JCblessU! :D

A sheep doesn't need to know how to reach the water and meadows, just let its shepherd lead it there!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Unless It's God Who Builds Your Life

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.
Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good."

Psalm 127:1
Unless you let God involved in your WORK, STUDY, MINISTRY, or ANYTHING you do, it will be a WASTING time! INVOLVE and LET God in all!
"Jikalau bukan TUHAN yang membangun rumah, sia-sialah usaha orang yang membangunnya;
jikalau bukan TUHAN yang mengawal kota, sia-sialah pengawal berjaga-jaga."

Mazmur 127:1
Jika anda tidak mengijinkan Tuhan terlibat dalam PEKERJAAN, STUDI, PELAYANAN, atau APAPUN yang anda lakukan, semua itu akan menjadi SIA-SIA! LIBATKAN dan IJINKAN Tuhan dalam semuanya!

JCblessU! :D

Involve God, for He always knows the best for us!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jesus Who Has Helped You Before, Will Help You Again!

"I am the Alpha and the Omega-the beginning and the end," says the Lord God. "I Am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come-the Almighty One."
Revelation 1:8
Jesus is still the SAME God who helped you YESTERDAY, is helping you NOW and will help you in the FUTURE!
"Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, firman Tuhan Allah, yang ada dan yang sudah ada dan yang akan datang, Yang Mahakuasa."
Wahyu 1:8
Yesus masih tetap Tuhan yang SAMA, yang menolong anda KEMARIN, sedang menolong anda SEKARANG dan akan menolong anda di MASA DEPAN!

JCblessU! :D

He will help you again, as He has helped you before!

Monday, April 25, 2011

What If, God Takes A Holiday?

Many people love holiday, taking a BREAK from work and RESTING..
But, WHAT IF, God takes a HOLIDAY and STOPS working on us? STOPS answering prayers, STOPS protecting and helping us? What would we be?
Thank God for this:
-But Jesus replied, "My Father is ALWAYS working, and so am I." John 5:17
Banyak orang suka berlibur, BERHENTI sejenak dari pekerjaan dan BERISTIRAHAT..
Tapi, BAGAIMANA JIKA Tuhan BERLIBUR dan BERHENTI bekerja dalam kita? BERHENTI menjawab doa, BERHENTI menjaga dan menolong kita? Kita akan menjadi apa?
Syukur pada Tuhan karena ini:
-Tetapi Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Bapa-Ku bekerja SAMPAI SEKARANG, maka Akupun bekerja juga." Yoh 5:17

JCblessU! :D

He does not stop working, He does not give up on you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It Is Finished!

"When He had received the drink, Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED." With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit." John 19:30
Before Jesus was died and risen, He said that His work is FINISHED, through His blood and stripes, our SINS, CURSES and SICKNESS are REDEEMED..
We are FREE in Him!
"Sesudah Yesus meminum anggur asam itu, berkatalah Ia: "SUDAH SELESAI." Lalu Ia menundukkan kepala-Nya dan menyerahkan nyawa-Nya." Yoh 19:30
Sebelum Yesus mati dan bangkit, Dia berkata bahwa tugasNya telah SELESAI, melalui darah dan bilurNya, DOSA, KUTUK dan PENYAKIT kita ditebus..
Kita MERDEKA dalam Dia!

JCblessU! :D

Don't let the devil intimidate you whether Jesus' cross is not done or not enough for you!
But always believe that Jesus' cross is more than enough, for you and me, for all the world!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

In God's Presence Anytime

Living in God's presence is AMAZING, RESTORING life.. That's WHY we need it ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.. But, how?
"As we KEEP His COMMANDS, we LIVE deeply and surely IN Him, and He lives IN us. And this is how we EXPERIENCE His deep and abiding PRESENCE in us: by the Spirit He gave us."
1 John 3:24
Diam di dalam hadirat Tuhan sangatlah MENGAGUMKAN, MEMULIHKAN kehidupan.. Itulah MENGAPA kita membutuhkannya KAPANPUN, DIMANAPUN.. Tapi, bagaimana?
"Barangsiapa MENURUTI segala PERINTAHNYA-Nya, ia DIAM di DALAM Allah dan Allah di DALAM dia. Dan demikianlah kita ketahui, bahwa Allah ADA di dalam kita, yaitu Roh yang telah Ia karuniakan kepada kita."
1 Yoh 3:24

JCblessU! :D

Stay on it, live on it, and you will be refreshed and recharged!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Greatest Love Story On Earth

What is the GREATEST LOVE story on earth? Romeo-Juliet? Or what?
It is God-You and Me! Why? Because He LOVES us, and His LOVE is GREATER than all of our SINS!
"This is real love-not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."
1 John 4:10
Apa kisah CINTA TERBESAR di bumi ini? Romeo-Juliet? Atau apa?
Jawabannya adalah kisah cinta Allah-anda dan saya! Kenapa? Karena Dia MENCINTAI kita, dan CINTANYA LEBIH BESAR dari semua DOSA kita!
"Inilah kasih itu: Bukan kita yang telah mengasihi Allah, tetapi Allah yang telah mengasihi kita dan yang telah mengutus Anak-Nya sebagai pendamaian bagi dosa-dosa kita."
1 Yoh 4:10

JCblessU! :D

God loves you!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Servantship Is Jesus' Leadership

World see LEADER as a BOSS, POWERFUL to do ANYTHING, but what does JESUS say?
"But among you it will be different. Those who are the GREATEST among you should take the LOWEST rank, and the LEADER should be like a SERVANT."
Luke 22:26
Jesus, God, sees LEADERSHIP as SERVANTSHIP! How about you?
Dunia melihat PEMIMPIN sebagai BOS, BERKUASA untuk melakukan SEGALANYA, tapi apa yang YESUS katakan?
"Tetapi kamu tidaklah demikian, melainkan yang TERBESAR di antara kamu hendaklah menjadi sebagai yang PALING MUDA dan PEMIMPIN sebagai PELAYAN."
Lukas 22:26
Yesus, Tuhan, melihat KEPEMIMPINAN sebagai KEPELAYANAN! Bagaimana dengan anda?

JCblessU! :D

You are there to serve, not to be served! God has shown you how, and so many people follow Him, that makes Him a true leader! See?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When God Lets Problems Happen In You

When God lets PROBLEMS happen in LIFE, it doesn't mean that He wants us to SUFFER.. But it means that God KNOWS if we can STAND against it!
"No test or temptation that comes your way is BEYOND the course of what others have had to face. All you need to REMEMBER is that God will NEVER let you DOWN; he'll NEVER let you be pushed PAST your LIMIT; he'll ALWAYS be THERE to HELP you come THROUGH it."
1 Cor 10:13
Ketika Tuhan mengijinkan MASALAH terjadi dalam HIDUP, bukan berarti DIA ingin kita MENDERITA.. Tapi artinya Dia TAHU kalau kita mampu BERTAHAN menghadapinya!
"Pencobaan-pencobaan yang kamu alami ialah pencobaan-pencobaan biasa, yang tidak MELEBIHI kekuatan manusia. Sebab Allah setia dan karena itu Ia TIDAK AKAN membiarkan kamu dicobai MELAMPAUI KEKUATANMU. Pada waktu kamu dicobai Ia akan MEMBERIKAN kepadamu JALAN ke luar, sehingga kamu dapat MENANGGUNGNYA."
1 Kor 10:13

JCblessU! :D

Be strong! For God won't let you down!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is Your Prayer Only About Your Wish List?

Don't COME to God only for telling Him your wish list, but SEARCH God with all your HEART, give EAR to His words, and OBEY Him! For He will GUIDE you to walk THROUGH your every problem WITH Him, in JOY!
"Joyful are those who OBEY His laws
and SEARCH for Him with all their HEARTS."

Psalm 119:2
Jangan DATANG pada Tuhan hanya untuk memberi tahu daftar keinginan anda, tapi CARILAH Tuhan dengan segenap HATI anda, berikan TELINGA untuk firmanNya, dan TAATILAH Dia! Karena Dia akan MENUNTUN anda untuk berjalan MELEWATI setiap masalah BERSAMANYA, dalam SUKACITA!
"Berbahagialah orang-orang yang MEMEGANG peringatan-peringatan-Nya, yang MENCARI Dia dengan segenap HATI,"
Mazmur 119:2

JCblessU! :D

Give Him what He deserve to, for He is God! God who will supply your needs, don't you worry!
Seek Him, give your ear to His words and obey Him!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cheerful Heart Pills

How's your day today? Feel TIRED for heavy activities? Your SPIRIT is low and you feel WEAK?
Take one 'CHEERFUL HEART' pill to RECOVER your strength! Be CHEERFUL and JOYFUL in the Lord, ALWAYS!
"A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a broken spirit saps a person's strength."

Prov 17:22
Bagaimana hari anda? Merasa LELAH karena aktivitas yang berat? SEMANGAT anda rendah dan anda merasa LEMAH?
Ambilah sebutir pil 'HATI yang GEMBIRA' untuk MEMULIHKAN kekuatan anda! BERGEMBIRALAH dan BERSUKACITALAH di dalam Tuhan, SELALU!
"Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur, tetapi semangat yang patah mengeringkan tulang."
Amsal 17:22

JCblessU! :D

Be cheerful, friends!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

God's Plan Is Always A Good Plan!

WHEN you are IN God's PLAN, WHEREVER you are, WHATEVER you've been THROUGH, His plan is not STOPPING! His plan is still WORKING in you, until it's FINISHED! Just keep going on, in FAITH, for His PLAN is always a GOOD PLAN!
"I know that You can do anything,
and no one can stop You."
Job 42:2
KETIKA anda ada DI dalam RENCANA Tuhan, DIMANAPUN anda berada, APAPUN yang anda sudah ALAMI, rencanaNya tidak BERHENTI! RencanaNya masih BEKERJA di dalam anda, sampai SELESAI! Tetaplah melangkah maju, dalam IMAN, karena RENCANANYA selalu adalah sebuah RENCANA yang BAIK!
"Aku tahu, bahwa Engkau sanggup melakukan segala sesuatu,
dan tidak ada rencana-Mu yang gagal."
Ayub 42:2

JCblessU! :D

God's plan is in you, keep living in faith and obeying God!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Seek God: Spend Time With Him!

God KNOWS all our needs, but how to RECEIVE it?
Seek God FIRST, SPEND time with Him, BEFORE starting your EVERYDAY!
"But your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
Matthew 6:32b-33
Tuhan TAHU segala keperluanmu, tapi bagaimana untuk MENERIMANYA?
"Akan tetapi Bapamu yang di sorga tahu, bahwa kamu memerlukan semuanya itu. Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu."
Matius 6:32b-33

JCblessU! :D

Spend time with God, for He love to have you seek Him, having a hunger of God's presence!

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Would Jesus Do?

What WOULD Jesus DO? Ever hear that quote? Let us wonder what WOULD Jesus DO if He is in your position now?, How WOULD He FACE your problem? WOULD He CHOOSE what you choose?
"Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did."
1 John 2:6
LIVE your LIFE the way Jesus LIVED!
Apa yang AKAN Yesus LAKUKAN? Pernah mendengar kalimat itu? Mari kita bayangkan apa yang AKAN Yesus LAKUKAN jika Dia ada di posisi anda sekarang?, Bagaimana Dia AKAN MENGHADAPI masalah anda? AKANKAH Dia MEMILIH apa yang anda pilih?
"Barangsiapa mengatakan, bahwa ia ada di dalam Dia, ia wajib hidup sama seperti Kristus telah hidup."
1 Yoh 2:6
HIDUPLAH seperti cara Yesus HIDUP!

JCblessU! :D

What would Jesus do in your position?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Proclaim God's Words In Your Life!

When SITUATION shouts to you, "You can't pass through me!", just say "I CAN, because JESUS is ALWAYS with me", when you're afraid of something, just say "JESUS is HOLDING me and gives me VICTORY, I'm not AFRAID!"
Everytime you are DOWN, just PROCLAIM God's WORDS to yourself, and you will WIN!
Ketika SITUASI berteriak pada diri anda, "Anda tidak akan bisa melewati saya!", katakan saja, "Saya BISA, karena YESUS SELALU bersama saya!", ketika anda takut akan sesuatu, katakan saja "YESUS MEMEGANG hidup saya dan memberi saya KEMENANGAN, saya tidak TAKUT!"
Setiap kali anda LEMAH, NYATAKAN FIRMAN Tuhan pada diri anda, dan anda akan MENANG!

JCblessU! :D

Beat every problem in your life, not using your own power, but use God's words, spiritual sword!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God Knows Better Than You!

God ALWAYS knows better! Maybe we THINK that we have PLANNED everything PERFECTLY, but don't forget to ASK God! Let Him GUIDE you, and you shall GET all the BEST in your PATH!
-This is what the Lord says-your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."
Isaiah 48:17
Tuhan SELALU lebih tahu! Mungkin kita BERPIKIR bahwa kita sudah MERENCANAKAN segalanya dengan SEMPURNA, tapi jangan lupa untuk meminta tuntunan Tuhan! Ijinkan Dia MEMBIMBING anda dan anda akan MEMPEROLEH semua yang TERBAIK di JALAN hidup anda!
-Beginilah firman TUHAN, Penebusmu, Yang Mahakudus, Allah Israel: "Akulah TUHAN, Allahmu, yang mengajar engkau tentang apa yang memberi faedah, yang menuntun engkau di jalan yang harus kautempuh."
Yesaya 48:17

JCblessU! :D

He'll show you the way.. The question is:
Have you let Him show you the way? Or you just walk the way you think it'll work?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Believe In Miracles?

God has done so MANY MIRACLES in Jesus' time.. But how about NOW? Do you STILL believe it? Or it SEEMS irrational now?
We will SEE the miracles, if we BELIEVE by our FAITH instead of LOGIC!
-Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"
John 11:40
Tuhan sudah melakukan BANYAK MUJIZAT pada zaman Yesus.. Tapi bagaimana dengan SEKARANG? Apakah anda MASIH percaya? Atau TERLIHAT tidak rasional sekarang?
Kita akan MELIHAT mujizat, jika kita PERCAYA dengan IMAN, bukan dengan LOGIKA!
-Jawab Yesus: "Bukankah sudah Kukatakan kepadamu: Jikalau engkau percaya engkau akan melihat kemuliaan Allah?"
Yoh 11:40
JCblessU! :D

Use your faith, let God show you the miracles!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Try and Fail, Again and Again?

TRY, FAIL, try AGAIN, fail AGAIN..
Sometimes we FAIL when facing problems, and we feel that we just CAN'T fight it..
Yes, maybe you just CAN'T, but God CAN! STOP trying with your OWN power, and START RELY on God's POWER!
"A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." Eph 6:10
MENCOBA, GAGAL, mencoba LAGI, gagal LAGI..
Terkadang kita GAGAL saat menghadapi masalah, dan kita merasa bahwa kita memang TIDAK SANGGUP menghadapinya..
Ya, mungkin memang anda TIDAK SANGGUP, tapi Tuhan SANGGUP! BERHENTI mencoba dengan kekuatan anda SENDIRI, dan MULAILAH BERGANTUNG pada KEKUATAN Tuhan!
"Akhirnya, hendaklah kamu kuat di dalam Tuhan, di dalam kekuatan kuasa-Nya." Efe 6:10

JCblessU! :D

Our power is limited! Do not be arrogant, just rely on God!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Have You Take Your Time In God's Presence?

COMING in God's PRESENCE, whether in sunday service or daily prayer, is like TAKING a bath, REFRESH ourselves and REMOVE our burdens, for the REAL refreshing is ONLY in Jesus!
-Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Mat 11:28
MASUK dalam HADIRAT Tuhan, entah di ibadah minggu atau saat teduh, rasanya seperti sedang MANDI, MENYEGARKAN diri kita dan MENGHILANGKAN beban-beban kita, karena kesegaran yang SEJATI HANYA ada di dalam Yesus!
"Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu." Mat 11:28

JCblessU! :D

Have you take your refreshment time in God's presence today?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rejoice In God, Even If When Our Plans Fail!

What WILL we do, if it's not what we WANT that HAPPENS? What if God ANSWERS "No" to our prayer? Will we feel SAD, blaming God?
Even if our plans FAIL, or things don't work like we EXPECT they will, God plan is STILL working! We MAY fail, but God does NEVER fail! Just keep REJOICE, in God!
"Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation."

Habakkuk 3:17-18
Apa yang AKAN kita lakukan, jika yang TERJADI bukanlah yang kita INGINKAN? Bagaimana jika Tuhan MENJAWAB "Tidak" atas doa kita? Akankah kita jadi SEDIH, menyalahkan Tuhan?
Bahkan jika rancangan-rancangan kita GAGAL, tidak berjalan seperti apa yang kita HARAPKAN, rancangan Tuhan TETAP berjalan! Kita BOLEH gagal, tapi Tuhan TIDAK PERNAH gagal! Tetaplah BERSUKACITA, dalam Tuhan!
"Sekalipun pohon ara tidak berbunga, pohon anggur tidak berbuah, hasil pohon zaitun mengecewakan, sekalipun ladang-ladang tidak menghasilkan bahan makanan, kambing domba terhalau dari kurungan, dan tidak ada lembu sapi dalam kandang, namun aku akan bersorak-sorak di dalam TUHAN, beria-ria di dalam Allah yang menyelamatkan aku."
Habakuk 3:17-18

JCblessU! :D

I will always rejoice in God, whatever happens in my life!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Are You Distracted?

How's your day? BUSY enough to DISTRACT you? Devil can USE your FUN, WORK to distract you from God! Spend your TIME to read God's words, and KEEP it in your HEART, it will LIVE in you!
"My son, pay attention to what I say;
turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them
and health to one's whole body."

Proverbs 4:20-22
Gimana hari anda? Cukup SIBUK untuk MENGALIHKAN anda? Iblis dapat MEMAKAI KESENANGAN, PEKERJAAN anda untuk mengalihkan anda dari Tuhan!
Gunakanlah WAKTU anda untuk membaca firman Tuhan, dan SIMPANLAH dalam HATI anda, firman itu akan HIDUP dalam anda!
"Hai anakku, perhatikanlah perkataanku, arahkanlah telingamu kepada ucapanku; janganlah semuanya itu menjauh dari matamu, simpanlah itu di lubuk hatimu. Karena itulah yang menjadi kehidupan bagi mereka yang mendapatkannya dan kesembuhan bagi seluruh tubuh mereka."
Amsal 4:20-22

JCblessU! :D

What makes you distracted?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is It In God We Trust?

Faith is BELIEVING that we have a good God, and that He PROTECTS and PROVIDES for those who TRUST in Him.. But a DOUBT will hide all of it.. Being in doubt is like HAVING a FIRST CLASS ticket, but you only PICK the ECONOMIC seat.. You will LOSE what SHOULD be yours!
Have FAITH, not DOUBT!
Iman berarti PERCAYA bahwa kita memiliki Tuhan yang baik, dan bahwa Dia MELINDUNGI dan MENYEDIKAN bagi orang yang PERCAYA kepadaNya.. Tapi sebuah KERAGUAN akan menutupi semuanya itu.. Di dalam keraguan itu seperti MEMILIKI tiket KELAS SATU, namun anda hanya MEMILIH kursi EKONOMI.. Anda akan KEHILANGAN apa yang SEHARUSNYA menjadi milik anda!
Milikilah IMAN, jangan RAGU!

JCblessU! :D

In God we trust, don't we?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We Just Can't Cheat Heaven

Always DO what is RIGHT, people can CHEAT the others in their STUDY or WORK, but people can't cheat God.. For God is God who KNOWS, and He knows what we do.. Just seek GOOD!
"Seek good, not evil,
that you may live.
Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you,
just as you say he is."
Amos 5:14
Selalu LAKUKAN apa yang BENAR, manusia dapat MENCURANGI orang lain dalam STUDI atau PEKERJAAN mereka, namun manusia tidak bisa mencurang Tuhan.. Karena Tuhan adalah Tuhan yang MENGETAHUI, dan Dia tahu apa yang kita lakukan.. Hanya carilah yang BAIK!
"Carilah yang baik dan jangan yang jahat, supaya kamu hidup; dengan demikian TUHAN, Allah semesta alam, akan menyertai kamu, seperti yang kamu katakan." Amos 5:14

JCblessU! :D

We just can't cheat heaven! Just seek Goodness!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God Does Never Let You Down!

God is THERE WITH you, He won't LET you DOWN, He holds your hand, don't be AFRAID!
"Be STRONG. Take COURAGE. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He's right there WITH you. He WON'T LET you DOWN; He WON'T LEAVE you." Deut 31:6
Tuhan ada DI SANA BERSAMA dengan anda, Dia tidak akan MEMBIARKAN anda TERJATUH, karena Dia memegang tangan anda, janganlah TAKUT!
"KUATkan dan TEGUHkanlah hatimu, janganlah takut dan jangan gemetar karena mereka, sebab TUHAN, Allahmu, Dialah yang berjalan MENYERTAI engkau; Ia TIDAK akan MEMBIARKAN engkau dan TIDAK akan MENINGGALKAN engkau." Ulangan 31:6

JCblessU! :D

God is there, even when you are alone! Just don't be afraid.. He will help you on time!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Are You Following The Crowd, Or Keep Having The Integrity?

"For only the godly will live in the land,
and those with integrity will remain in it."

Proverbs 2:21
"Karena orang jujurlah akan mendiami tanah, dan orang yang tak bercelalah yang akan tetap tinggal di situ,"
Amsal 2:21

JCblessU! :D

Do you have integrity? or you just follow the crowd?
Stay on the right side, and God will make you remain in the land He gave to you!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You Are Talented!

Everyone is TALENTED, including YOU! God has invested in you, EACH with UNIQUE talents, for He has a unique PURPOSE in your life!
So start DEVELOP and USE your talent, to GLORIFY God! For NO ONE can REPLACE your place in His purpose in you!
"And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey." Matthew 25:15
Setiap orang BERBAKAT, termasuk ANDA! Tuhan sudah menanam dalam diri anda, MASING-MASING dengan bakat-bakat KHUSUS, karena Dia punya TUJUAN khusus dalam hidup anda!
Jadi mulailah MENGEMBANGKAN dan MENGGUNAKAN bakat anda, untuk MEMULIAKAN Tuhan! Karena TIDAK SEORANGPUN dapat MENGGANTIKAN tempat anda dalam rencanaNya dalam hidup anda!
"Yang seorang diberikannya lima talenta, yang seorang lagi dua dan yang seorang lain lagi satu, masing-masing menurut kesanggupannya, lalu ia berangkat." Matius 25:15

JCblessU! :D

What your talent? What do you love to spend times? For me, writing like this.. Will you do that to glorify God?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Is Your Joy Only On Weekend?

Weekend is BEAUTIFUL, but weekdays SEEM so STRESSFUL? Is that your ROUTINE?
Everyday CAN be beautiful, IF only you know HOW to ENJOY it.. But how? By having more playing and less working? NO!!!
But by being THANKFUL in everything!
"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." 1 Thess 5:16-18
Akhir pekan begitu INDAH, tapi hari kerja SEPERTI penuh TEKANAN? Apakah itu RUTINITAS anda?
Setiap hari BISA menjadi indah, hanya JIKA anda tahu BAGAIMANA cara MENIKMATINYA.. Tapi bagaimana? Dengan lebih banyak bermain dan lebih sedikit bekerja? BUKAN!!!
Tapi dengan BERSYUKUR dalam segala hal!
"Bersukacitalah senantiasa. Tetaplah berdoa. Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu." 1 Tes 5:16-18

JCblessU! :D

Enjoy your life! For your life is all grace, don't take as burden!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Invisible Doesn't Mean Impossible

God KNOWS your NEEDS and God will PROVIDE you, what you NEVER THINK and SEE before! For in God, INVISIBLE doesn't mean IMPOSSIBLE, just BELIEVE!
"And God will generously PROVIDE ALL you NEED. Then you will ALWAYS HAVE everything you NEED and PLENTY left over to SHARE with others."
2 Cor 9:8
Allah MENGERTI KEBUTUHANMU dan Allah akan MENYEDIAKANMU, apa yang TIDAK PERNAH kamu PIKIRKAN dan kamu LIHAT sebelumnya! Karena dalam Tuhan, TIDAK KELIHATAN bukan berarti TIDAK MUNGKIN, PERCAYA saja!
"Dan Allah sanggup MELIMPAHKAN SEGALA kasih karunia kepada kamu, supaya kamu SENANTIASA BERKECUKUPAN di dalam segala sesuatu dan malah BERKELEBIHAN di dalam pelbagai kebajikan."
2 Kor 9:8

JCblessU! :D

You won't get the whole needs in world, only in God you will get fulfilled and overflow!